Westman Steel: Téléchargements
Dans notre industrie en constante évolution, les choses changent. C'est pourquoi nous nous engageons à maintenir nos informations à jour. En fin de compte, notre objectif est de donner à nos clients les connaissances nécessaires pour réussir dans une industrie en perpétuel changement.
Commercial Closures
26 gauge Commercial Flashing
Commercial Componets Roll Formed Profiles
Commercial Fasteners
Commercial Terms
Commercial Accessories
Flashing Guide
IMP Product Guide
Leading Edge Data Sheet
Horizon Data Sheet
Skyline Data Sheet
Load Tables with Max Lengths
IMP Colour Chart
Fireguard Internal Partition Wall System
Fireguard Wall System
Westman Combined Load Tables (Roofing)
Westman Combined Load Tables (Walls)
7/8th Corrugated Load Tables (Walls)
7/8th Corrugated Load Tables (Roof)
Technical Information Load Tables (Roof)
Technical Information Load Tables (Wall)
1/2'' Corrugated Load Tables (Roof)
1/2'' Corrugated Load Tables (Wall)
WM Roof Load Table Explanation
936 Load Tables (Roof)
936 Load Tables (Wall)
AWR Load Tables (Roof)
AWR Load Tables (Wall)
Deck Mate Load Tables (Roof)
Deck Mate Load Tables (Wall)
Delta Span Load Tables (Wall)
Diamond Rib Load Tables (Roof)
Diamond Rib Load Tables (Wall)
Elite Rib Load Tables (Wall)
Elite Rib Reverse Load Tables (Roof)
Elite Rib Reverse Load Tables (Wall)
Pinnacle Rib Load Tables (Roof)
Pinnacle Rib Load Tables (Wall)
SSR Load Tables (Roof)
Tough Rib Load Tables (Roof)
Tough Rib Load Tables (Wall)
Ultra Span Load Tables (Wall)
Ultra Span Reverse Load Tables (Roof)
Ultra Span Reverse Load Tables (Wall)
Wide Span Load Tables (Wall)
WS200 Load Tables (Wall)
WS300 Load Tables (Wall)
Westman Steel Colour Chart
Limited 20 Year Plain Galvalume Warranty
Limited 40 Year Paint Warranty
CSSBI Care and maintenance Facts Sheet
CSSBI Quality and Performance Specification
AMD 0319 Perspectra Cleaning Guidelines
AMD 0319 Perspectra Data Sheet
CSSBI Standard for Residential Steel Roofing
CSSBI Standard for Steel Farm Roofing & Siding
CSSBI Standard for Steel Building Systems
CSSBI Standard for Residential Steel Cladding
CSSBI Standard for Sheet Steel Cladding for ICI
CSSBI 20M-2017-Standard for sheet steel
CSSBI S8-2018-Quality and Performance Specification